On July 7, 2023 we held our ribbon-cutting ceremony for the LightHouse Women and Children's Center. We renovated an existing 25,000 sq. ft. thrift store on our 4.6-acre campus at the cost of $6M to create a safe place for single women and women with children. We have 43 residential rooms, each equipped with private restroom facilities which allow us to provide homeless women and children with dignity, safety and a place of peace to get back on their feet after experiencing the trauma of homelessness.

A gift of any amount can help fund the operations of LightHouse.
Please consider a PLAYGROUND SPONSORSHIP to help us with the cost of creating an all-abilities playground for our guests at LightHouse.
A named playground sponsorship is $10,000 and you will receive naming rights to a plaque at the entrance of playground. This sponsorship amount can be divided by up to 3 years, if requested by the donor.
To donate by check, please make the check payable to Hope Rescue Mission and put LightHouse in the Memo line.
Mail your check to:
LightHouse Women & Children’s Center
715 North 6th St.
Reading, PA 19601
Please email KAlley@HopeForReading.org with any questions.
"A Shelter for women and children is vitally needed in our community. Our organization constantly receives phone calls from single mothers with nowhere to go when current shelters are full"
- Employee at Berks Coalition to End Homelessness.